The Alchemist Wizard

The Alchemist Wizard


Sept 18, 2019

I am inside my cloud space, waiting for a spirit guide to meet me or see if a portal opens. It’s usually bright and white in this space, but becoming gray. Now, I see a cloudy doorway opening up and a silhouette of someone standing there. I am unsure who he is yet, but he seems to be approaching me. He feels like a wizard, and he looks like one, too. He is wearing a wizard’s hat. It’s not a typical wizard’s hat. He resembles Gandalf the Grey, wearing a dark, frayed, gray robe and tattered gray hat. Because, you know, he looks raggedy. He is not wearing rich robes; they are humble robes for a humble wizard. He has shoulder-length gray hair, and his long beard is almost white. He has a pleasant-looking face and a twinkle in his eye. He is holding a staff in his right hand, and a sizeable transparent quartz sphere is on top of it. He’s asking me to join him. He says he has something to show me. Cool. Let’s go, Mr. Wizard.

We are returning to the door he came out of and stepping through. Everything looks brighter as if the sun was coming through the curtains of a window. We are walking through a tunnel of light. It’s like a soft light, like a 40-watt light bulb. This light has a golden hue to it.

The wizard is walking ahead of me, and I follow him. I now see a large tree with an eye in the middle of its trunk. What kind of tree is this? Elm? No. I don’t know. It’s a big tree. We are not in the tunnel anymore; we are now walking on a field of green grass. I see slight, soft rolling hills and various trees surrounding us. Many sorts of trees, in different shapes and sizes. But, this particular tree, with the eye in it, seems to be in the center of it all, like there is something special about it. It is thick and white, with dark green leaves, on tall branches that spread outward, like a canopy, casting its shadow on the hillsides. Oh yes! It is a sycamore tree!

There’s a doorway in the tree. It has a crooked natural wood door with no doorknob. The wizard could open it with just a wave of his hand. It was hidden from view by an invisibility spell. It was hidden in plain sight. He says, “Those who have eyes to see will see the magic in the world. The magic has always been here.”

We’re slowly descending steep spiral stairs as he tells me this. They feel like rod iron and feel pretty sturdy. We’re going down below the trunk of this tree. Down into the earth below. I can see its roots cascading around us like vines, and I marvel at the gnarled and twisted roots digging and burying themselves deep under the ground around us.

We have made it down and are now standing in some underground dwelling. It’s a lair! It’s the wizard’s lair. I look around and see other tunnels leading to adjacent rooms. He has a nice setup down here. It feels warm and inviting. It should be dark down here, but it’s not, and I don’t see a fireplace, lamps, or light bulbs anywhere, and I wonder where the light source is coming from. He is showing me how he can harness the sun’s rays and funnel sunlight down into his lair using an intricate network of shafts and tubes. That’s so amazing. It’s all lit up in here with the light and warmth of the sun.

He’s an Alchemist Wizard. He is showing me a large room full of tables with test tubes, racks, funnels, and lots of glass jars full of specimens of plants and other strange and unusual collections. This is his laboratory, and he says he creates magic. My heart swells as he communicates to me about magic. I began to cry because I love magic. As a child and teen, and even through my adult years, I’ve held on to some belief in magic. I love stories about fairies with magical wands, wizards, and good witches. Magical lands where creatures exist nowhere else. Enchanted gardens swarming with the twinkles of the fairies and nature spirits.

He creates magic and invites me to look at a ball of golden light floating above one of his tables. It looks like a ball of sunlight. He wants me to observe it. He says, “It’s a ball of energy. It is sunlight energy. Very powerful, indeed.” He wants to teach me how to harness the sun’s light. As he stands before the table, he brings his hands up in front of him and holds them over the ball of energy. Then, he peculiarly moves his fingers and hands as if he were drawing symbols in the air. I see white strands of energy escape from his fingertips and surround the ball of light as if it’s wrapping it. It’s like he’s weaving it with energy wire and caging it. When he’s done wrapping it, the white energy cools, and as it does, it turns into a golden, almost solid type of metal. It’s like a metal ball of light. And he hands it to me. It’s so powerful. It’s so warm. ‘What am I supposed to do with this? I ask.

He says, “Learn the alchemy.”

“You can create just about anything. You are all powerful beings. You are all creators. I’m just here to remind you what you can do. Everything is energy. You can harness these energies with your intentions. You mainly work with the Green Rays and the Golden Rays. The Green Healing Energies. But know that you don’t need to limit yourself now. You can harness all energies. And use them for healing. For uplifting. For activating. For transmuting. For gridding. You’ve been practicing gridding with your stones. You can do this with your energy. There are anchors already set up all over the earth. You can grid the energy in any direction you want, all over the earth. You are doing this now when you gather as a groups. When you set your intentions, you send these energies out. You’re using alchemy. Don’t you guys know this? Raising the vibrations. Shifting. Sporadic energies, yet powerful energies of weather patterns. Continue to push the limits of your beliefs. Push through it. See? You know you can shift hurricanes. You can shift the negative forces into positive forces. What was meant for evil will be transformed for good. Arise! Arise! Reclaim your power! Reclaim your sovereignty. You are masters. Thank you.”

While he was speaking, I was seeing everything he was explaining. So, I want to add a side note here while it’s still fresh. When I saw the grids, I perceived that these energies came from the Divine. When we call upon it, it comes down to the top of our heads, and our bodies act like conduits. It’s like we are relaying and dispatching the energy where it needs to go. I don’t know how to explain it. The power gets directed with our intentions, and then the energy connects to anchor points all over the planet; they look like light columns. When the light connects, it looks like beams of golden light beamed to these anchors. The anchors can be anything on the planet. It could be another light worker, or it could be a specific type of mountain, a hilltop, a tree, or a boulder. Something that is grounding to the earth. It just relays it. And it forms grids when it connects. Say you’re setting an intention of protection over a particular city, and this energy would go there, and then it will connect to all the anchors in that city and form a grid. If more people are setting intentions, for instance, to shift a hurricane and move it away from land, that is how we are gridding. I find it hard to fathom, and explaining it is even more challenging. It is more quantum physics, and I’m not a scientist. I’m not much of a brainiac. I’m just trying to explain what I see.

While trying to explain all this, I walked back with the wizard. He’s walking me back to the light tunnel. And we say goodbye. He waved goodbye to me. I am waving at him as I watch him fade from my view and feel myself returning to my awareness. I have returned to my cloud space, came down my tree, and returned. This was an incredible experience.

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